
    500 - 4000 MHz High Linearity Low Noise Amplifier Gain Block

    中止的 >

    End of Life announced October 22, 2020 (PCN 20-0167).
    Last Time Buy: May 2, 2021
    Contact your local sales representative for assistance.


    • 500 to 4000 MHz
    • 13.5 dB gain @ 1.9 GHz
    • 1.0 dB noise figure @ 1.9 GHz
    • +38.5 dBm Output IP3
    • +22.4 dBm P1dB
    • 50 Ohm cascadable gain block
    • Unconditionally stable
    • High input power capability
    • +5 V single supply, 90 mA current
    • 3 x 3 mm QFN package

    Qorvo's TQP3M9006 is a high linearity low noise gain block amplifier in a low-cost surface mount package. At 1.9 GHz, the amplifier typically provides 13.5 dB gain, +38.5 dBm OIP3 and 1.2 dB Noise Figure while only drawing 90 mA current. The device is housed in a lead-free / green / RoHS compliant industry-standard 16-pin 3 x 3 mm QFN package.

    The part features high linearity while also providing very low noise across a broad range of frequencies. This allows the device to be used in both receive and transmit chains for high performance systems. The amplifier is internally matched using a high performance E-pHEMT process and only requires an external RF choke and blocking / bypass capacitors for operation from a single +5 V supply. The internal active bias circuit also enables stable operation over bias and temperature variations.

    The TQP3M9006 covers the 0.5 to 4 GHz frequency band and is targeted for wireless infrastructure or other applications requiring high linearity and/or low noise figure.


      • 3G / 4G Wireless Infrastructure
      • General Purpose Wireless
      • LTE / WCDMA / EDGE / CDMA
      • Repeaters
    频率最小值(GHz) 0.5
    频率最大值(GHz) 4
    增益(dB) 13.5
    NF(dB) 1
    OP1dB(dBm) 22.4
    OIP3(dBm) 38.5
    电压(V) 5
    电流(mA) 90
    封装类型 QFN
    封装(mm) 3 x 3 x 0.85
    RoHS Yes
    Lead Free Yes
    Halogen Free Yes
    ITAR Restricted No
    ECCN 5A991.B


    • 应用 > 国防和航天 > 通信 > Military Radio

      Military Radio

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    • 应用 > 网络基础设施 > 卫星通信 > Multi-Band VSAT

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    • 应用 > 网络基础设施 > 无线基础设施 > Macro Base Station

      Macro Base Station

    • 应用 > 网络基础设施 > 无线基础设施 > Repeaters / Boosters / DAS

      Repeaters / Boosters / DAS

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