The Qorvo logo is a key element of our corporate branding. To ensure that we project an image of quality and unity in all of our business communication, the logos must be used in a consistent manner, as per these guidelines.

    The Qorvo logo is composed of three elements: the logotype/name, the trademark and, in some usages, the tagline. The logo may never be used in a sentence to replace the company name.

    Trademark and Copyright

    The Qorvo name and logo are trademarks of Qorvo, Inc.

    Guideline Requirements

    • When placing the logos in a presentation or other use, keep it well away from text or other graphics.
    • Never allow the logos to be over-laid with other graphics.
    • Don't alter the logo in any way.
    • When resizing the logos to fit the application, be sure to resize it proportionately.
    • Never use the logos in a sentence or in the place of the words "Qorvo."
    • All approved logos are available through the web for download. Please do not attempt to construct one on your own.

    If you have a question or special need not covered here, please contact Corporate Marketing.

    Qorvo® Logo

    The Qorvo logo is a key element of our corporate branding. To ensure that we project a consistent, high-quality image in all of our business communications, we have developed an identity system to specify how the logo may be applied, colorized and displayed.

    Upon reading our logo guidelines below, you may select from the available logo images, for both print and web usage. Please note that we offer these logo images as a convenience to assist interested parties. We recognize, however, that jurisdictions have different laws governing trademark notice and use, and we encourage interested parties to consult laws of the relevant jurisdiction before using the logo images. If you have any questions, please contact Corporate Marketing for assistance.

    Registered Trademark ® Logo

    The following countries should use the registered Qorvo logo:
    U.S., China, Costa Rica, Japan, Korea, Mexico and CTM countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

    Files For Download:

    282 KB CMYK EPS


    59 KB RGB PNG (1926 x 575 pixels)

    1,001 KB MP4 (1920 x 1080 pixels)

    TM Logo

    Countries not included in the list to the left should use the TM logo.

    Files For Download:

    387 KB CMYK EPS


    44 KB RGB PNG (1926 x 575 pixels)

    421 KB MP4 (1920 x 1080 pixels)