
    4 Watt C-Band Power Amplifier


    • Frequency Range: 5.0 – 6.0 GHz
    • Output Power (PIN = 18 dBm): 36.5 dBm
    • PAE (PIN = 18 dBm): 53 %
    • Small Signal Gain: 27.4 dB
    • Input Return Loss: 26 dB
    • Output Return Loss: 13 dB
    • Recommended Bias: VD = 25 V, IDQ = 37.5 mA
    • Package Size: 4.0 mm x 4.0 mm x 0.85 mm

    Qorvo’s QPA0506 is a MMIC power amplifier fabricated using Qorvo’s QGaN25 0.25 um GaN on SiC production process. Covering 5 – 6 GHz, the QPA0506 typically provides 36 dBm of saturated output power and 18 dB of large-signal gain while achieving 53 % power added efficiency.

    The QPA0506 can support a range of bias voltages to optimize power and PAE to system requirements. The QPA0506 is matched to 50 ohms with a DC blocked input and a DC grounded output.

    The QPA0506 is packaged in a plastic overmolded 4x4 mm package. The QPA0506 is 100% DC and RF tested to ensure compliance to electrical specifications.

    Lead free and RoHS compliant.



      • Radar
      • Communications
      • Satcom
    频率最小值(GHz) 5
    频率最大值(GHz) 6
    Psat(dBm) 36.5
    增益(dB) 18
    PAE(%) 53
    电压(V) 25
    电流(mA) 37.5
    封装类型 OVM
    封装(mm) 4 x 4 x 0.85
    RoHS Yes
    Lead Free Yes
    Halogen Free Yes
    ITAR Restricted No
    ECCN EAR99
