
    24 - 30 GHz Dual Polarization 32-Element mmW to IF Active Antenna Innovator's Kit


    • mmWave to IF Phased Array Kit for 5G-NR
    • 24.25 to 29.5 GHz operation
    • n257, n258, and n261 3GPP bands
    • mmWave to IF antenna front end: includes beamformer ICs and integrated IF up/down converters and port for external LO connection
    • Passively cooled mechanical enclosure with a single regulated power supply with a fast SPI control interface

    Qorvo's AWA-0213 is a complete mmWave to IF dual polarization antenna design for mmWave 5G radios. This kit is intended to help 5G equipment manufacturers evaluate the array level performance of our ICs, develop new mmWave 5G NR radio front ends, and introduce their arrays into the market quickly.

    The kit is designed using our Generation 3 beamformer and IF up/downconverter ICs that provide industry leading array level performance. As a baseline, the kit is designed to offer high linear EIRP at wide 3GPP bandwidths. The design can be easily customized to meet equipment manufacturer's specific 5G radio requirements.


      • Millimeter Wave Radio Development
    频率最小值(GHz) 24
    频率最大值(GHz) 30
    类型 Transmit/Receive
    极化 Dual
    要素 32
    IF 最小值(GHz) 2.6
    IF 最大值(GHz) 5.8
    LO 最小值(GHz) 6.75
    LO 最大值(GHz) 8.775
    方位角扫描量(度) +/- 60
    仰角扫描量(度) +/- 20
    控制接口 USB
    ITAR Restricted No
    ECCN 5A991.f
