美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯巴勒市 – 2016 年 7 月 19 日讯 – 实现互联世界的创新RF解决方案提供商Qorvo, Inc.(纳斯达克代码:QRVO)今天宣布其与全球领先的基础设施提供商共同参与并支持已超20余次5G应用实验。这将是一个重要的里程碑。 Qorvo 战略部署全力支持不断变化的 5 G 生态系统发展和帮助加快全球 5 G部署速度。
2016 年 2 月,Qorvo 宣布作为特邀成员加入 3GPP,现在作为拥有决定投票权的成员之一,Qorvo 为这一标准机构提供一系列有关 5G RF 解决方案的建议。5G 标准预计分两个阶段发布。第 1 阶段(预计 2018 年完成)将重点关注 6GHz 以下频率,定义纵向市场优先子集的规范。第 2 阶段(预计 2019 年完成)将重点关注 6GHz 以上频率,定义纵向市场扩展列表的规范。
Qorvo 总裁兼首席执行官 Bob Bruggeworth 表示:“作为全球领先的RF解决方案提供商,Qorvo已支持并参与了超过 20 次 5G 应用试验,Qorvo 也是主要的推动者和受益者。随着 5 G 部署和移动数据的爆炸式增长以及5 G 频谱标准在全球分配展开的新形势下,我们完全有能够提供更广泛更全面的 5 G 连接解决方案。
类似于 4G,美国在 5G 定义和部署方面居于领先地位,并声称要增强数字经济并大幅增加经济机会。7 月 14 日,美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 制定了在 24 GHz 以上频率中执行无线宽带操作的规则。所拟议的 5G 频谱分配包括 28 GHz、37 GHz 和 39 GHz 许可访问;64 – 71 GHz 未许可访问以及 37 GHz – 37.6 GHz 共享访问,所有频段都有望支持多个 5G 用例。
较高频率毫米波 (mmW) 频段有望扩展网络容量和无线用例,5G 传输速度的理论值最高可达 10 Gb/s。由于 mmW 频段的运行范围明显短于较低频段,所以这可以推动短程、较小型蜂窝站点在住宅和商业配置应用中的指数增长趋势。
Qorvo 具有独特优势,能够为基础设施和智能手机应用提供不断扩展的 RF 解决方案组合。包括高级 BAW 滤波器、GaN PA、移相器、放大器、开关和其他高性能 RF 解决方案。“Qorvo早期开展的5G研发包括从国防航天到毫米波的无线电产品。我们正在利用这独特的背景帮助当前 5 G的开发,在更高的频率带宽带给我们不同时代产品的使用经验。“Bob介绍说。
Qorvo 结合毫米波系统专业知识和行业的最全面的大功率射频产品和技术组合,以帮助世界领先制造商快速推出下一代基础设施产品。
关于 Qorvo
Qorvo(纳斯达克代码:QRVO)长期坚持提供创新的射频解决方案以实现更加美好的互联世界。我们结合产品和领先的技术优势、 以系统级专业知识和全球性的制造规模,快速解决客户最复杂的技术难题。Qorvo 服务于全球市场,包括先进的无线设备、 有线和无线网络和防空雷达及通信系统。我们在这些高速发展和增长的领域持续保持着领先优势。我们还利用我们独特的竞争优势,以推进 5 G 网络、 云计算、 物联网和其他新兴的应用市场以实现人物、 地点和事物的全球互联。访问 www.qorvo.com 了解 Qorvo如何创造美好的互联世界。
3GPP为ETS商标。 Qorvo为Qorvo公司全球注册商标。
Qorvo is a registered trademark of Qorvo, Inc. in the U.S. and in other countries.
投资者关系联络人: Doug DeLieto Qorvo投资者关系副总裁 +1-336-678-7088 |
Qorvo媒体联络人: Abhiroop Dutta Qorvo移动产品部市场战略公关部经理 abhiroop.dutta@qorvo.com +1-336-678-8074 |
This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about our plans, objectives, representations and contentions and are not historical facts and typically are identified by use of terms such as "may," "will," "should," "could," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue" and similar words, although some forward-looking statements are expressed differently. You should be aware that the forward-looking statements included herein represent management's current judgment and expectations, but our actual results, events and performance could differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. We do not intend to update any of these forward-looking statements or publicly announce the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements, other than as is required under the federal securities laws. Qorvo's business is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including variability in operating results, the inability of certain of our customers or suppliers to access their traditional sources of credit, our industry's rapidly changing technology, our dependence on a few large customers for a substantial portion of our revenue, our ability to implement innovative technologies, our ability to bring new products to market and achieve design wins, the efficient and successful operation of our wafer fabrication facilities, assembly facilities and test and tape and reel facilities, our ability to adjust production capacity in a timely fashion in response to changes in demand for our products, variability in manufacturing yields, industry overcapacity and current macroeconomic conditions, inaccurate product forecasts and corresponding inventory and manufacturing costs, dependence on third parties and our ability to manage channel partners and customer relationships, our dependence on international sales and operations, our ability to attract and retain skilled personnel and develop leaders, the possibility that future acquisitions may dilute our shareholders' ownership and cause us to incur debt and assume contingent liabilities, fluctuations in the price of our common stock, additional claims of infringement on our intellectual property portfolio, lawsuits and claims relating to our products, security breaches and other similar disruptions compromising our information and exposing us to liability, the impact of stringent environmental regulations, and the impact of integrating the businesses of RFMD and TriQuint. These and other risks and uncertainties, which are described in more detail in Qorvo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other reports and statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any of these forward-looking statements.