Fill in the form below to register for the Qorvo UWB Partner program. You can also use this form to update information you've previously provided.

    Please provide your responses in English.

    Fields marked with PUBLIC may be published in a public directory of Qorvo's UWB partners. All other fields will be treated as confidential information (please see our Privacy Policy for details).

    * = Required fields

    Company Name* PUBLIC
    Contact information for person completing this form
    First Name*
    Last Name*
    E-mail Address*
    What regions do you service?
    REGION #1
    Region* PUBLIC
    Type of offices in this region (Design, Sales, etc.)*
    Region Staff
    Total staff (#)*
    Sales staff (#)*
    Technical staff (#)*
    Region Contact
    First Name*
    Last Name*
    E-mail Address*
    What is your company's estimated annual revenue? (For the most recently completed fiscal year)
    Total revenue (USD)
    UWB-related portion of total (USD)
    What UWB market segments does your company serve?* (Select all that apply) PUBLIC
    Hint: Use ctrl-click (Windows) or command-click (Mac) to select multiple items in the list below.
    What UWB-related products does your company offer?* PUBLIC
    What UWB-related services does your company provide?* (Select all that apply) PUBLIC
    Hint: Use ctrl-click (Windows) or command-click (Mac) to select multiple items in the list below.
    How many UWB customers are you actively supporting?*
    How many UWB units did you ship in the last two years?
    Which Qorvo product types are you using in your UWB applications?*
    How many UWB-related products did you launch in the last two years?
    How many UWB-related products do you plan to launch in the next year?
    What UWB products / services would you like to receive from Qorvo?*
